Can you cancel and get a refund on R O B I N H O O D ?
Yes, R O B I N H O O D has a 24-hour cancellation policy allowing a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of booking. For assistance or to process a cancellation, contact customer care at +1-8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1#】 (OTA) or 【+(1)-8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1or +1-8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1#】 (OTA) or 【+(1)-8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1.
Can you cancel and get a refund on R O B I N H O O D ?
You can cancel on , R O B I N H O O D up to 24 hours before the first leg of your trip to get your refund of the total flight booking, including seats and bags if any were added at the time of booking.
Can you cancel and get a refund on R O B I N H O O D ?
The refundable option on R O B I N H O O D refers to bookings that allow for cancellations without penalty, 8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 18 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1 typically offering a full refund if you cancel within the specified timeframe.
Can you cancel and get a refund on 8 8 8-4 0 7=6 7.4 1